Thursday 30 May 2013

Rush 26/05/2013

"In a world where I feel so small, I can't help thinking big"


Following on from Saturday night's incredible gig in London, I was off to Birmingham to see band number two of the weekend; Rush.
 Rush, are most certainly my favourite band of all time. I was first introduced to them at around the age of 15, and they are the first band I really "got", so they really are "my" band. As well as loving their music, their drummer (Neil Peart) is my biggest influence as a musician, and I feel (I hope!) that my drumming style is similar to his.

 Sunday's gig was part of their Clockwork Angels tour, which started late last year in North America. They got back on the road again in late April time, before making their way over to the UK on the 22nd of May. Sunday's venue was the Birmingham LG arena, which is a largeish indoor arena connected onto the NEC and nearby to Birmingham International Airport. I saw the band here back in 2011 for their "Time Machine tour", which was my first "proper" gig, so I was very much excited to see them again, at the same venue. 
"Drawn like moths, we drift into the city, the timeless old attraction, cruising for the action"

Having arrived in Birmingham around quarter past two, I checked into my hotel on site. I was staying at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole, which I'd expected to be pretty pricey, but for a mere £33, it was a bargain! My dad (the only person I could ever see a Rush gig with, he introduced me to them!) arrived at around half three, and after a meal we headed to the arena. 

Once inside, the Lg is very clean and modern looking. It has plenty of food outlets (we avoided these, knowing how pricey these places can be), instead having a beer each. Soon enough, we were inside the arena, and in our seats. This time were on the right hand side of the arena (Geddy's side) which was different to last time, so we were both looking forward to having a different view of the band. 
Once again, a nice small venue.
At half past seven, it all kicked off.
Set 1: Subdivisions
       Big Money
       Force Ten
       Grand Designs
       Middletown Dreams
       The Analog Kid
       The Pass
       Where's My Thing? (Including short drum solo)
       Far Cry

Set 2 (with Clockwork Angels string ensemble):
      Clockwork Angels
      The Anarchist
      The Wreckers
      Headlong Flight (With short drum solo)
      Halo Effect (Long guitar intro) 
      Wish Them Well
      The Garden
      The Percussor (Electronic percussion solo)
      Red Sector A
      Spirit of Radio (No strings)

      Tom Sawyer
      2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx/Grand Finale

"Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control"
 Rush are known for their long show times (3 hours usually) and the shows on this tour are no different. For the first time ever(?) the set actually changes each night, with four specific songs being alternated on different nights. As well as alternating songs in the set, this tour's setlist is very interesting as they'e avoided playing all the "classics", and instead have delved deep into their song catalog, and brought out plenty of rarities from the past. For example, the songs "Middletown Dreams" and "Where's My Thing?" were only ever played on their respective album tours before (1985/6 & 1991/2) before being revived for this tour. 

As well as all the oldies, the second set for this tour is mostly filled with songs from their most recent album "Clockwork Angels". This album tells the story of a young man's life, and the perils and adventures he faces in his world. This album features the use of a small string ensemble, who also came on tour. The string arrangements were wonderful, and complemented the band excellently, as well as the new string arrangements for the three older songs they accompanied (Dreamline, Red Sector A, YYZ) 

"Dreams flow across the heartland, feeding on the fires. Dreams transport desires, drive you when you're down"

Setwise, I was very happy with it, as it featured plenty of tracks from the bands mid 80's era, which is often shunned by some "fans" because it contains too many keyboards and synths. Heavier songs such as "Far Cry", "Headling Flight" and "2112" were explosive (as expected) whilst the more subtle songs such as "The Pass" and "The Garden" were played beautifully. My absolute favourite moment of the whole night was when "The Garden" and "Dreamline" were played, one after each other, as these are some of my favourite songs. I felt my self getting a bit emotional at it all! 

Playing wise, the band were on top form. Alex had a few issues with his in ear monitors, but still performed with his usual sophistication. Geddy's bass playing was top notch as usual, and his voice (which usually get the main critiscism, and has been dodgy in previous tours) was stronger than ever, and he was on excellent form. Neil was flawless as expected, and it was nice to hear him do three shorter drum solos, rather than one long one. 
The string players should also get a mention as they were all wonderful, and it was great to see them interact with the band. They also seemed to be really enjoying themselves, which is always great to see. 

"Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive, plays that song that's so elusive and the magic music makes your morning mood"

 As expected, the audience were pretty static, which I felt slightly annoyed by, as the band really deserved more noise and recognition from the people who'd come out to see them! I've also seen plenty of so called "fans" complaining about the setlist, saying that it didn't contain enough "classics". If they wanted to hear classics, they should've stayed at home, let the band play what THEY want to play is my view!

 All in all, a great evening, with some wonderful music. Not as pyrotechnics heavy, or energetic as Muse, but musically and emotionally much more powerful.

With a bit of luck, I'll see them in a few more years before they finally take well earned retirement! 


"They travel in the dark of a new moon, a starry hightway traced on the map of the sky..."




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